Stormy Weather
You're not so different as you may think
From the likes of such as me.
We thought the same and were the same and played our game together,
But then came stormy weather,
And you said you had somewhere else to be.
What happened to that sacred trust
You placed inside my head?
I said all right, let's go tonight, then we took flight together,
But then came stormy weather,
And you packed up and left me there for dead.
You tricked me and I see that now;
It looks like you're the winner.
The little knave is now your slave; we dug my grave together,
But then came stormy weather,
And I was left to be your servants' dinner.
Now my debt will be repaid
And you'll be stripped of power.
I know you meant me to be rent, but time we spent together
Taught me of stormy weather,
And your demise will be my finest hour.